Reply To: Is WWIII About to Start?

  • Monkey1

    February 22, 2023 at 9:12 pm

    From my observations in their society, the main weakness with the Chinese military is that they are completely chain of command dependent. In general, only the highest ranking official can make decisions even for minor things. No one better take action without clearance even for obvious reasons like a building is on fire. There are no NCOs as we know of them who lead autonomously if necessary. They do not have the ability to break into smaller groups and function. It is not permitted.

    With technology it will help, but there’s still the lack of leadership element. Fighter pilots or navy personnel might fare better.

    Where the command has an advantage is sheer numbers and the fact the soldier can be used as human cannon fodder as they will mindlessly obey. Individually what they lack in organization they more than compensate for with brutality. They torture people for sport. That is permitted and encouraged.

    The police force and military are named in the Live Human Organ Harvesting charges at The Hague. Literally they use no anesthetic and get strong guys to hold the person down while they harvest liver, kidneys, etc. You’ve got to be some kind of animal to do that.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Monkey1.