Reply To: how can we help the homeless

  • DeOccult

    February 22, 2023 at 1:06 pm

    I have given some thought, and have some skin in the game, having tried to give space to different people. I think that for those of us who like planning or trying to figure out why things are for many people screwed up, the biggest danger if they are thinking of “Real World Intentional Community” Is and probably always was; judging those you may be planning to share land with. The best idea I have seen on video with folks who; setout trying to help people in dire straits, was a group who taught food farming to people who showed up to learn and not only how to farm in urban areas but also how to charge for the service these guys ended up making “real bank” people then willing to be of service with self-respect. I foresee a tool and plant nursery Co-Op and Natural Law Freemen coming home to a hearty meal.