Reply To: how can we help the homeless

  • Squeeze

    February 22, 2023 at 11:40 am

    the homeless today are nothing like the hobo’s of the past. Old time hobos traveled, and mostly stuck to the country, usually searching for work, and for the most part, self sufficient. During the depression, many would not beg, or accept charity because they had honor and pride, todays homeless have a ideal of entitlement, and thievery, usually blaming others for their condition. (life is tough, bad things happen, how you cope with it has a great influence on whether you rise above it, or sink because of it) The vast majority of the homeless today are addicts who flocked to the cities to be closer to the source. Mostly because they have begged and stolen from their friends and family to the point of being rejected. There are exceptions, and I do believe in helping those, but for the vast majority, they have to hit their own bottom and decide to quit for themselves. (and become a productive member of society, not a burden) For too many, the homeless addict lifestyle is glorified among their own flock.