Reply To: New Pandemic Plans for 2025- SEERS

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 20, 2023 at 3:47 am

    It’s true! Sadly! Covid backwards is divoc = Evil spirits.


    “Divoc is a term derived from the Hebrew word ‘dybbuk’, which is an evil spirit capable of possessing other creatures, and it’s believed to be the suffering soul of the dead. The dybbuk is the soul of an evil person who’s soul wants to evade the punishment and tries to stay on this dimension by possessing another body.“

    That jab is absolutely SATANIC, and killing many hourly.

    Mark of the beast, without it you can’t buy or sell. My question I’ll post here is: Do you worship God of ALL creation as written of the heavens and earth or do you worship the money and the things of this world, including family? “God” on the dollar bill is BAAL.

    I pray this opens eyes, convicts hearts and turns people to the Lord if they haven’t already given their life to Jesus, the one who knows you better than anyone, loves you more than ANYONE, today is the day of SALVATION! Don’t wait until it’s too LATE! 🐑 11th hour, folks.