Reply To: New Pandemic Plans for 2025- SEERS

  • Monkey1

    January 26, 2023 at 12:44 am

    Additional Info on the players-

    We know the ideologies of WEF and B&M Gates, so why Johns Hopkins? Surely a world renowned hospital wouldn’t have an ideologically driven agenda? (sarcasm) Johns Hopkins is home to the transgender movement in the USA. It was pushed by the late psychologist John Money who founded the Gender Identity Clinic in 1966. He also coined the terms gender identity/ gender fluidity. Money did unethical twin experiments where same sex twins were selected to have one raised as the opposite sex to prove these things. Suicides, drug addiction, and mayhem ensued. Look up the Reimer twins. You can thank him for much of what is being pushed in schools today.

    At a NAMBLA meeting in 90s, he was keynote speaker proclaiming that pedophilia would be normalized. First he stated you must push to have it removed from the medical diagnostic codes so that it would be considered within range of normal behavior. He stated once normalized, then it would be removed from law as aberrant.