Reply To: Conspiracy theories?

  • Granny-Hatchet

    October 21, 2022 at 4:10 pm

    I own my crazy. I don’t let people think I’m crazy, I just tell them straight out. As far as conspiracy theories, I’m sure most of us have many of the same. These so called shortages, are nothing more than another government buffalo hunt. Control the goods and you control the people that need the goods. I think Biden jumped the gun a couple years ago when he talked about a dark winter. I know many have their own theories about the phrase. However, I think they are getting ready to shut the grid down. Not for a long time, but for relatively short spurts. Long enough for food in Fridges and freezers to spoil. and long enough for people who don’t use cash, to not be able to use their debit cards to buy non perishable food. Just long enough to get those that aren’t prepared, a little more reliant on the alphabet squads. Hence all the warnings about possible black outs due to excessive heat, or cold.

    Crazy? Yep.