Reply To: questions seeking answers to clear confusion

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 1:32 pm

    Yes you are just a man and your opinions are not to be compared to the glory of God. Not sorry. Nobody is righteous, not one. But when we have the spirit of the living God inside us, then we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, sanctified and set apart. God wants faith from you, not ignorant opinions. There is one truth and it’s not subjective. Proverbs 29:11 “The fool uttereth all his mind…” ……..

    I’ll be “a Bible thumper” 😂😂 as if that’s offensive? NO THAT’S AWESOME AND SHOULD BE SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS JUST LIKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY READS!!!!!!!! ALLLL all day long because a few years ago I didn’t even know scriptures or know GOD but HE SAVED ME FROM HELL SO IS WHAT YOUR’EE SAYING BRINGING PEACE, TRUTH, LOVE OR CONVICTION? NO. It’s not. It’s not truth and it’s not sound minded. BECAUSE HELL IS DARK AND HOT AND UNIMAGINABLE, TURN DOWN YOUR PRIDE! YOU DON’T WANT TO BE DAMNED FOR ETERNITY! NOBODY DOES! That’s what kicked Lucifer out of Heaven…. Pride and contention come before a fall. Lord bless you, and May he show up in a way that you CANNOT deny him ever again.

    AMEN. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏