Reply To: questions seeking answers to clear confusion

  • Granny-Hatchet

    February 11, 2023 at 2:40 am

    I can’t answer all your questions. I’ll touch on a few.

    Why are there cult like action in religion? One simple three letter word MAN. And I mean human kind. Humans inherently screw up just about everything they touch. Especially religion. One guy thinks the other guy is doing it wrong, so he breaks off and takes some people and tells them to do it like he does. And then somebody else gets the idea that they’re right and he’s wrong. So they take folks and start their own church/denomination. That’s the funny thing about free will. It also sometimes leads to a sense of power. And what do humans do with power?

    They wield it like sword.

    Why would God allow someone to take a persons family just to test faith?

    I’ll give you my humble opinion of the answer.

    We have blind faith that our vehicle is going to get us to our destination, then home again each day. But what happens when that vehicle breaks down. Some people just throw up their hands and say “to heck with it” and go get a different vehicle. They’ve lost faith in that vehicle, so they just replace it. Others know that it wasn’t the vehicle. It was the part in the vehicle that broke and tried their faith. Get rid of that part, and that vehicle runs fine.

    God didn’t try Jobs faith. Satan did. God had so much faith in Job, that He knew Job couldn’t be broken. Think of that. ..and answer me this. Who’s faith was truly being tested? Jobs faith in God or God’s faith in man? But Job didn’t break. God didn’t break. Satan did.