Reply To: questions seeking answers to clear confusion
in the seventeenth chapter of Luke it is written that god is in man not one man but in all men, does that mean we are all collectively god and are linked with the one true source with our true almighty mother father ..??
I am going to accept your post as an honest search for Truth. That being the case . . . If you do not believe God’s Word is from Him, the ONLY God, Creator of all, then there would be no point in you reading further because all responses from me (and most of the people here on FS) will be based from a Judeo-Christian worldview, referencing Scripture, wherein the Bible is THE authority and written Word of God.
If Luke 17:21 is what you’re referring to, Jesus was talking to His disciples, those who believed in Him and received Him as the Son of God, the Creator of the universe. Humans are part of God’s creation, not God, and we are linked TO Him when we acknowledge He is God, received His gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, believing that He (Jesus) is fully God and fully human, accepting His sacrifice for our sins, receiving Him as our Savior, and making Him Lord of our lives; then submitting to Him/His Ways (turning from our previous sins/ways and following only Him). So, no, we are not collectively God, or even (little-g) god(s). Nowhere in the Bible, which is the inerrant, infallible Word of God does it refer to God as “mother.”
- who said there shall be no other god but me…??
God (Ex. 20:3).
- who are the blood sacrifices and rituals truly for…??
The blood sacrifices in the Old Testament were for atonement to cover the people’s sins from year to year because Jesus had not yet come to die for the sins of the world, thus satisfying once and for all the need to atone for sin (with a blood sacrifice). (Ref Exodus, Leviticus)
- what true righteous all loving creator/parent will allow another to do anything bar kill their child[ren], just to test a faith…??
God, the only righteous Judge gave free will to His creation. Killing children was a pagan practice in ancient days to sacrifice to their (small-g) gods (who were fallen entities who rebelled against God and set themselves up as (little-g) gods). As free-will beings, God allows His creation to make all kinds of mistakes. When we follow Him and learn His ways, which are higher/better than our own, and submit ourselves to Him, we will not want to harm anyone, let alone our own offspring or anyone else’s.
- what true righteous entity gives free-will then says feel my wrath…??
God, as the righteous Judge, who allows us to freely choose who to follow/serve and who to worship has told us in His Word that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23), and that those who rebel against Him and choose not to follow His ways will have consequences of that rebellion, or life. It is our choice. (John 3:16)
- does free-will come with caveats…??
The 10 Commandments were given by God to guide mankind and set boundaries. We choose to, or not to, follow His ways. Deut. 28 lists the blessings of obedience and consequences of disobedience.
- if free-will comes with caveats what are those caveats…??
lots of questions for lots of confusion within the bible that has been infiltrated by man and evil entities
Read Deut. 28.
- what does the cross truly represent…??
The cross was a Roman implement of suffering, pain and death. What it represents in modern time varies by culture and person. It perhaps did not even look quite like the crosses represented today. It is Jesus’ sacrifice through His death that should be focused on and what THAT represents, not an implement used by the Romans to execute people.
- what is the shape and foundation of the cross…??
This is not the point. See above.
- fold up a cross and what does it become…??
This is not the point. See above..
- when you draw from top of handle of the cross at the angle to the winged part then from the wing part to the tip of the cross and repeat on the other side, what does a cross become…??
This is not the point. See above.
- why has the pointed sword been made in the shape of a cross…??
This is not the point. See above.
- why is that we get cross at someone or thing that is being naughty…??
Irrelevant. Modern-day English vernacular. This is not the point.
- why is it we cross a road street and-such…??
Irrelevant. Modern-day English vernacular.
- why is it that many worship [war-ship] a cross of Jesus when the cross is of evil entities and not of Jesus as Jesus did not invent the cross…??
Ask those who worship crosses. I worship Jesus.
- if there be only one true god then why are there many many gods reported through history…??
The (little-g) gods of history are fallen entities (commonly referred to as fallen angels by most) who rebelled against God and allowed/even encouraged humankind to worship them as gods (little-g).
- what are the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho…??
Israelites blew rams’ horns (shofars) for specific ceremonies and at God’s instruction. It was the power of God that brought the walls down, not the horns (trumpets).
- why are all bibles copyrighted when gods word was long before mans copyrights…??
God’s Word was originally written as manuscripts on parchment and the common materials of the day. Man copyrights written material that they have a financial interest in producing in order to protect legally so they can make money to continue producing it. That is man’s modern system, not God’s instruction.
- why are there many different versions of the bible…??
Because there are multiple manuscripts discovered over time, and many humans created translations and versions that they wanted to reproduce in mass.
- why are there many different faiths and religions…??
Because humans have free will, minds of their own, differences of opinion and ideas of what they believe, and the freedom to put those ideas and beliefs into practice in the way they see fit.
- where does all the different faiths and religions stem from…??
Many come from the worship of pagan (little-g) gods/fallen entities throughout history, others are from differences of opinion among religious people and cultures around the globe.
- can you name a religion that has not caused harm loss or injury or been deceptive in any way shape or form…??
Jesus’ teachings. He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life; and no one comes to The Father except by Him. (John 14:6)
- why are all religions full of cult like mentality…??
Mankind is fallen, sinful, in rebellion to God and has the free will.
- what is gospel [go-spell] music…??
A genre of traditional American Protestant music rooted in religious revivals of the past.
just a sample of many many questions that i have concerning the infiltrated many different versions of the bible
is it not true that god is in us all thus the church is also in us all and we do not need a physical building whereby blood sacrifices are rife by drinking the blood of christ,
See above. God is not in ALL. The church is not in anyone. Beginning with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, those who are in Christ are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and no physical building is needed, although it can serve as a convenient place for Believers to gather to worship, study and fellowship. Blood sacrifices ceased after Christ became the sacrifice for our sins. Only those blood sacrifices and drinking blood that are demonic/occult/sinful remain today. There is no need for further blood sacrifice because of Jesus Christ. If you are offhandedly referring to the practice of Communion, study 1 & 2 Corinthians.
- who or what is truly christ…??
Christ (capital C)—Jesus Christ—the only begotten Son of the Father, who is fully God and fully man, came to sacrifice Himself for our sins. Died, was buried, rose from the dead, and sits at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:19, Luke 22:69, Acts 2:33). There is NO other. Anyone claiming to be is antichrist.
- who or what is satan-claws…??
Have never heard that term before. Perhaps an Internet search will answer your question.
- who or what is Yaldabaoth…??
According to Wikipedia, this is Latin for an evil entity/deity in various Gnostic sects.
- what does T-minus mean with [NASA]…??
I’m sure you can search the Internet for this.
- what does kneel and clasp hands and bow heads to the cross truly mean…??
Ask someone who worships in that way. Perhaps a Catholic?
- why does coca-cola have the design of the image of santa that we see in red-costume…??
No clue. Don’t care what Coke does or designs. It isn’t relevant to my Faith in God.
- why does coco-cola have the santa-truck…??
Don’t care what Coke has. It isn’t relevant to my walk with God.
- what is the true meaning of holiday such as easter halloween christmas and-such…??
I’m sure you can search the Internet for this.
- why is there many missing books of the bible…??
There aren’t. All the books God intended to be Canonized are there. Some would argue that certain extra-biblical texts should have been included. Others disagree. (Rev 22:18–19)
- who removed those missing books and why did they remove them…??
Determining the Canon was a process first done by Jewish rabbis/scholars and later by early Christian leaders/scholars. God inspired the writings of the Bible and those who compiled the books to create the Canon. You can search the Internet for more on this subject. (Rev 22:18–19)
- who or what is the chalice…??
“The chalice?” Probably need to ask a Catholic.
- why is it Job and job spelt the same pronounced differently yet very similar in nature to each other…??
English. Look up homophones, homographs and homonyms in Webster’s dictionary.
- who or what is the lion and serpent the bible speaks of that gives us power to tread on…??
Jesus is referred to in Scripture as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He gave His followers the authority to tread (have authority over) on serpents (ungodly entities). (Luke 10:19)