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  • Ms.T

    September 12, 2022 at 1:22 pm

    1. When I used the link to the feedback page, it says 404 not found.

    2. Like many people, I work 2 jobs, so your employment section on the profile page doesn’t fit well. Maybe have 2nd job box with same info to complete? Currently, my attempt to complete looks like this:

    Job Title Seasonal Membership Processing, Arbor Day Foundation, 2016-Present

    Company Seasonal Accounting Data Entry, United Way, 2017-Present

    3. Please consider adding an additional employment/comments area on the profile page for people who change careers. The information I would like to add:

    Executive Assistant at financial institution/brokerage, 10 years. Office Manager for church, 9 years,
    Accounting Clerk at community college, 6 years. Self-Employed as Remote/Virtual Assistant, 4
    years, Ceramics Creator/Craft Show Vendor, 15 years. PT Auctioneer Clerking, 20 years.

    Thank you 😀