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  • Main Feed Filtration Ideas

    Posted by Maytag on September 10, 2022 at 7:09 pm

    The main feed can be overwhelming and as the usage grows, even more-so. I know Tag has mentioned before that something is in the works to try to address this, but I wanted to give some feedback/ideas about it.

    First and foremost, I think being able to view and search the entire feed (at least what you have access to normally–that is, public posts or things you have permission to see) should be retained somehow. Using the main feed this way would be a good way to find discussions or people that you might otherwise miss.

    I’m not sure how the back-end of this platform works and if/how it differentiates content, but from a user’s perspective there are several different things that appear on the actty feed.

    • Personal Updates from folks you follow or have a connection with (you just post something straight onto the feed or upload pictures to your album, etc.)
    • Personal Updates from everyone else (not someone you are following or connected with)
    • Group Activity (forum posts, etc.) in Groups you’re a member of
    • Group Activity in Groups you’re not a member of (channels you might not follow, state discussions for states you’re not in, etc.)

    You could perhaps more granular on things including sub-groups or something, but at least this is a starting point.

    Currently, the site does have some limited filtering options at the top of the feed. (And for anyone reading who hasn’t seen them, look for the words “All Updates” near the top of the feed).

    My suggestion is to allow people to configure their own feed(s) contents based on these types of posts indicated above. This way, people can filter out stuff they don’t want flooding the feed, but can always have an easy way to go get back to it if trying to find something or just wanting to see what’s going on outside their current groups and connections.

    Maytag replied 2 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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